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Infinitethinking North Burnett Therapy


In Delma's Hypnotherapy sessions, you'll embark on a transformative journey into the subconscious mind. Delma utilizes her skilled techniques to help reveal and modify patterns that may be causing emotional distress or limiting your potential. Whether it's grief, trauma, or anxiety, she can guide you towards relieving these burdens, leaving space for growth and positivity.

Moreover, Delma's hypnotherapy extends beyond addressing emotional challenges. It's also an effective tool for boosting self-esteem, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being. In each session, Delma helps you unlock your innate healing power, fostering resilience and enhancing personal growth.


Experience the harmonizing effects of Reiki with Delma. This ancient practice channels universal life force energy, working directly on restoring the balance in your body, mind, and spirit. Delma's Reiki sessions provide a serene space where you can reconnect with your inner self, allowing the healing energy to flow where it's needed most.

Delma's unique approach to Reiki empowers you to let go of stress, tension, and emotional blocks, promoting relaxation and inner peace. By fostering this balance and harmony within, Reiki can assist in revitalizing your energy, paving the way for personal growth and improved overall well-being.

Infinitethinking North Burnett Therapy
Infinitethinking North Burnett Therapy


Delma's Seichim sessions offer a potent pathway to profound healing and spiritual growth. Seichim, an ancient Egyptian system of healing, complements Reiki by harnessing universal energy to activate the body's innate healing abilities. It's a deep, powerful energy that works on all levels of your being.

Delma's Seichim practice encourages emotional release and spiritual equilibrium, helping you liberate any repressed energy that might be holding you back. Delma guides you in this journey, aiding in the unblocking of energy pathways and promoting a sense of calm and wellness. It's a deeply transformative experience, ideal for those in search of spiritual awakening and emotional healing.

Virtual Gastric Band

Virtual Gastric Band Therapy is a groundbreaking approach to sustainable weight loss. In these sessions, Delma uses hypnosis to simulate a gastric band procedure, retraining your mind to be satisfied with smaller food portions. This mind-over-body approach sidesteps the risks and recovery time associated with actual surgery, promoting natural and sustainable weight loss.

Moreover, Delma's Virtual Gastric Band Therapy doesn't just focus on the physical aspect. It goes a step further to address the emotional and psychological aspects of eating. Delma aids you in forming a healthier relationship with food, empowering you to maintain weight loss and adopt a healthier lifestyle in the long term.

Infinitethinking North Burnett Therapy
Infinitethinking North Burnett Therapy

Resource Therapy

Delma's Resource Therapy is an empowering tool designed to help you harness the strength within you. This form of parts therapy involves identifying the 'parts' of you that hold power and resilience, bringing them forward to cope with trauma, grief, and other emotional barriers.

With Delma's guidance, you'll explore these resilient parts of yourself, learning to leverage them for healing and personal growth. Resource Therapy can also assist in developing healthier responses to stressors, boosting self-confidence, and cultivating a stronger sense of self. Schedule a session with Delma to discover your internal resources and enhance your emotional well-being.

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